Grey reef shark

The grey reef shark can migrate thousands of kilometres due to temperature changes in the water it inhabits and food availability.

Where to find them?

In the 7 million litre Oceans aquarium under the 35 metre long tunnel.

General aspects

With a slender body and average size of 2m, grey reef sharks are characterised by having a greyish coloured body, similar to lead (for which they are named). However, the most characteristic feature of this species is the disproportionate side of the first of its dorsal fins.

Which region do they inhabit?

Distributed through the tropical and subtropical waters of the planet, it is used to inhabiting shallow waters (20-65m), preferring sandy bottoms, avoiding reefs and hard substrates. They linger in port areas, estuaries and the entrances of bays and rivers with turbid waters, although in spite of this, it is an exclusively marine species, never travelling upriver.

What do they feed on?

The grey reef shark feeds opportunistically on small fish, octopuses, squid, rays, bivalves, prawns and crabs, with greater activity during the night.

How do they reproduce?

In the northern hemisphere mating occurs between May and June, while in the southern hemisphere it takes place in the summer months, from October to January.

Gestation can last from 8 to 12 months depending on the area of the planet, followed by the birth in shallow water of 7-13 pups, 60cm long and already formed.

Did you know...?

Grey reef sharks are included within the group of requiem sharks (Fam. Carcharhinidae), related with their reputation for eating people.