Nurse shark

The nurse shark is a nocturnal animal that usually rests on the seabed or in caves in the daytime, and it comes out at night to eat.

Where to find them?

In Oceans Area.

General notes

The nurse shark is a nocturnal animal that usually rests on the seabed or in caves in the daytime, and it comes out at night to eat.

It is normally 2.5 and 3 m long. Unlike other sharks, the nurse shark has a smaller mouth, and feeds by sucking in its prey and grinding them between its powerful jaws.

Geographic Distribution

It is distributed mainly in mild and tropical seas, and is an extremely territorial animal.

What does it feed on?

Its diet is basically made up of molluscs, crustaceans, sea cucumbers and oysters, which it feeds on at night.


It is ovoviviparous, and can give birth to between 21 and 28 live young.