Western swamphen

The western swamphen receives the scientific name of Porphyrio porphyrio, and is a typical bird from the Albufera of Valencia.



Where can it be found?

The western swamphen is a typical bird from the Albufera of Valencia and usually you can also find it in the marshland in the aviary at Oceanogràfic, but no specimen is currently housed.

General information

The western swamphen (Porphyrio porphyrio) is a bird usually found in the Mediterranean, Eurasia and western Europe.
It usually weights 770 grams and is no taller than 51 centimetres.
It mainly feeds on vegetable-like matter, reeds and bulrush.
Western swamphens can lay 3-6 eggs and the incubation period is usually 30 days.

Did you know that…

they make a characteristic sound similar to a trumpet.